Maybe lonley is my new best friend

2008-11-05, 15:21:50 / Kategori: Texter och annat

har vart i skolan och nere på apoteket, kom iofs hem för nån timme sen menmen :P ska sätta mig och plugga geografi och engelska nu.. -.- puss och kraam.

It's down to this
I've got to make this life make sence
Can anyone tell me what I've done?
I miss the life
I  miss the colours of the world
Can anyone tell were I am?

I'm over this
I'm tired of living in the dark
Can anyone see me down here?
The feeling's gone
There's nothing left to lifed me up
Back into the world I know
That shines to light the way for me
Back into the arms that care's about the ones like me

Away from the sun- 3 doors down
plugga vare ja!




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